April Core Update - Sape Users Have New Features for Faster and More Convenient Link Building

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The Sape team continues to develop the link building technology to make the backlink promotion take a lot less time, and to put the risk of error when selecting a donor site to zero. There are 5 features on the LinksSape platform that are aimed at this.  All added tools are developed on the basis of collected requests and needs of users. 

Shopping cart - select the Guest Posts so that later you can instantly buy them 

Now it is not necessary to immediately pay for the Guest Post on the selected website.  Shopping cart is now available - you can fully prepare for the placement of the new Guest Post, and pay later, at any time you need.  

This is especially useful if you have planned a consistent promotion with this type of backlinks. You can gradually purchase various types of backlinks, put in the cart beforehand to systematically build up the backlink profile. Each backlink can be edited before you pay for it. Also, the contents of the shopping cart are easy to export - for example, to coordinate the purchase of new backlinks with the promotion customer.

Note that the contents of the shopping cart are not saved when switching between devices. For example, if you log into your LinksSape account from your desktop, you will not see backlinks that have been prepared for purchase by logging in from your smartphone.

Updated «Favorites» section - manage custom lists

The "Favorites" section is not a new and very popular option, thanks to which users of the platform can keep the liked donor websites. However, over time "Favorites" may accumulate too many websites - especially when actively working on several projects. 

The section was made more convenient by adding lists.  Now you can create lists of donor websites in «Favorites», categorizing the added websites at your own discretion.  List management is extremely flexible - create, merge and delete favorites, move domains from the list to the list, and export websites. 

Website Card - get all information about the donor website in one place

Donor information cards have been launched on the platform. They are the main statistics of website indicators in the dynamics: traffic, trust values, availability of pages in the index, information about backlink domains and the average price of backlinks. To view the map of the website, click on the icon «i» in the search or in the list of backlinks.

Cards simplify and speed up the process of purchasing backlinks. Now you do not need to switch between different tabs and services to determine whether a particular website is appropriate for your project. 

Site Parameter "Inbound Domains" from Ahrefs - find out how many domains refer to the donor website

Optimal donor websites are defined by a number of parameters, which vary depending on the project being promoted. One important indicator is the number of unique domains that refer to the website. The higher this value, the more authoritative the website for search engines and the more valuable the backlinks from it.

Previously, when choosing websites for Guest Posts it was necessary to separately look at this parameter in Ahrefs. Now you can find out the number of incoming domains directly in the interface - to see the new option, just configure the columns in the search results.

The rel backlink option - add variety to the website reference profile

The typical profile of a successful website (a benchmark for a backlink buyer) will be different in each topic and even a separate niche. For example, it is sometimes found that among the backlinks many have the rel parameter: "Nofollow" (indication for search robots not to index the backlink) or "Sponsored" (paid sponsor backlink).

Now you can specify the rel parameter when buying Guest Posts. The Publisher will see the application, and the system will later check whether he has executed it or not. So you can independently bring the percentage of such backlinks to the level required by your project. No need to discuss every bit with the website owner - everything can be specified in the order form

Each of the new functions makes it much easier to implement the backlink strategy. Together, they bring LinksSape’s customer experience to a new level, speeding up and simplifying Link Building.

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