Task 6: 20 backlinks

1 min
Поделиться: Telegram VK Copy

Hooray! Finally, it's time to do external optimization.
Collect 20 new links before the end of the battle. Don't forget that there are different types of links needed for a natural link profile.
The task will be checked automatically. We will see the results through the Ahrefs service. The participant chooses the sources and methods of obtaining links on his own. These can be both paid and free methods.

Links.Sape will help with this task. A special gift only for battle participants in the amount of ~10$ will allow you to test link building tools.
Promo code: win_the_battle
Where to activate: https://passport.sape.ru/deposit/promocode/

The number of promotional codes is limited, hurry up.
Accrued bonuses will expire in December if they are not spent. Therefore, do not delay buying links.

Reward: 3000 points.
Deadline: 10.12.2021.
If there are several projects: it is enough to complete the task for only 1 of the projects.
Check: automatically

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Поделиться: Telegram VK Copy
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